Forms & Tools
Proposal Planning Form (must be completed for any and all proposals)
Subrecipient Commitment Form (for BVARI subrecipients who are not FDP Expanded Clearinghouse participants)
Indirect Cost Waiver Request (if applicable per Indirect Cost Policy)
Federal Proposal Development
Industry Sponsored (CRADA)
Statement of Work (SOW) Template (for non-federal proposals)
VA Conflict of Interest Form (for CRADA negotiation) Download First
Pharmacy Impact Form (for Pharmacy Services reimbursement)
Service and Facility Impact Form (for VA Services reimbursement)
Instructions For NIH:
Instructions For DoD:
Instructions For NSF:
Research Subject Fee Accounts:
Research Subject Initial Payment Request Form (for new requests)
Monthly Bank Reconciliation Template (for tracking monthly subject fee bank accounts)
Effort Reporting (use appropriate MoU based on affiliate)
Expenditure Request Form (for vendor order requests or reimbursements)
Computer Acquisition Authorization Form (for non-VA computers)
Vendor Justification Form (required for individual purchases ≥$25k in accordance with the Procurement Guidelines)
Missing Receipt Affidavit (required for any missing receipts for costs $75 or greater)